Image by AI Generated
Short Intro About Inari:
Before taking the name and title of Inari, he was a farmer that Ri met him when he had trouble with his grain plantation. The grain is always eaten by rats which made gave him a tough time to grow and harvest; he didn’t have any much grain left. He was very sad and couldn't do much in the coming months with his crops eaten. One day he sat on a rock weeping that he cannot do anything when Ri appeared to him. He saw and he felt so strange that he had never encountered a fox before, and the fox is as white as snow. Surprisingly Ri can talk to him through telepathy. Ri says, "I can help eliminate all of the pesky rats for you, but in return when you have the money, you must build a temple and worship me". And so he agreed to the terms. Once all of the rats had been taken care of and when he became wealthy and he ordered some workers to build a temple for the fox. Once the temple finished, more and more people came to worship Ri and he told the people about his story and how the fox helped him. Worshiping the fox became well known in Eastern India and then it spread to Western China. When he came close to passing away, he met Ri again. Knowing that he is very loyal to Ri, Ri shared some of her powers to him so that the he could transform into a fox. From India, he moved to China during 7246bc and then moved to Japan in 3950bc. Japan worshiping the fox is actually the farmer and he is known as “Inari.” "Ina" is maiden and "Ri" is white, which means white maiden. In Japan he is known as Inari and he made himself known there in 2785bc and has been popularly worshiped even today.
Inari: So you are seeking something that can increase your cunningness, mischievous, to be more wiser, living better lifestyle, diligent and as watcher rather than get involve too much in worldly affair. Well here is the right service to get you infused with my DNA. Lets not talk about power and richness first. The most important I see 99.99% humans are lack of is ATTITUDE, MINDSET and RESPONSIBILITY. My infusion allow you to change attitude and mindset better. Of course letting go isn't easy as talking, because when you born here you been teach and follow the wrong system since childhood. Letting go you will face emotion breakdown and fear of insecurity but don't worry its for your improvement and spiritual development then you can reborn like a phoenix, this also known as awakening. Once done let go you can build new attitude and mindset as you want and you will not and never ever bother what other people say because the most important is what type of character you going to be its up to you. It is better to be yourself than be what other people want you to be because its not comfortable to wear other people shoe. You can only be comfortable when you are wearing your own shoe. When people say you don't understand them, the best choice is ignore and don't help them. Never ever please their ego and privilege, let them cry and whine about their pathetic miserable life.
This listing Inari will infuse you with 400% of his/her DNA.
- you don't give shit about selfishness, stinginess, self centered, greediness, pathetic, blamer, whiner, excuses, beggar, ass kisser, irresponsible, shameful, too kind, a lot hate, blind love, over sensitive and prideful on unnecessary physical identity.
- you will punish whoever abuse you. (I'm not a free punching bag, they should ask permission first)
- all you have is self control, discipline, relax and think through rather than end up hurting yourself and hurting others.
- you not afraid of challenge and its their fault if they cry or whine just because you win. You have choice to ignore and avoid yourself from being a clown to entertain others or used by others.
- you will throw back whatever karma they throw to you. (Its better to stay clean without anyone owe you or you owe others)
- when you have Inari DNA, no one wants to prank you.
- you can see through illusion and hypnotism as they wouldn't have any effect on you.
- you enjoy mistake and maybe laugh about it without any regret and have determination to do better.
- you will prioritize your task and always get work done before enjoy.
- you won't simply take order from others.
- you won't act smart or show your intelligent to anyone. You will when you want to get something done or been challenged. (Even if you fail there is no regret cause you did your best)
- all magic art performance +400% boost (light, grey, dark, black)
- all psychic ability and resistant toward psychic attack +400% boost.
- immune from being possess unless you allow (only the rightful owner can use your physical body or you give permission to other being or companion)
- 400% look younger, attractive, confident, radiant.
- 400% more sexual, last longer, bonding with anyone intimate with you.
- 400% more stamina, active, vigor.
- 400% more concentration, food & drink taste better.
- 400% more alert and energy sense.
snapshot memory (ability to memorize just by 1 time look and recall back anytime)
- you will take it more serious about your lifestyle (eat well, sleep well, play well, live well and you will feel guilty if you not doing it well)
- 400% more intelligent, wise, discipline and self control.
- imbalance people will have tough time to notice or label you as good or bad person because they are not balanced to begin with. So imbalance people will either label you as good or bad person. But who cares anyway, what you think about yourself is more important than others think about you since you not going to please others.
These are all permanent effect!!
Naturally when you are smart, powerful and able to do things by yourself. Most religion and good people will brand you as evil and selfish unless you are one of their members and has to be high rank. The side effect is temporary 30-60 days; tiredness, dizziness, headache, emotion change or nothing depend every individual.
This will not collide with any other DNA infusion and blood magic. The infusion takes 6 month to fully active all and its only 1 time infusion.