**THINK TWICE AND TRICE; Infusions are permanently in your soul-knowledge & memory, in other words you will indelibly retain what you have gained into your future reincarnations** **Custom God/dess DNA Infusion depends which God or Goddess DNA you request then I will let you know whether the god/dess agree to give/share you their DNA or not.**
In this listing you can get a custom god or goddess DNA infusion that will inject to your astral body
(not soul).
Be sure not to purchase the listing first instead message me to let me know which god or goddess name you want and I will ask him/her. If the god/dess agree then you can proceed purchase the listing.Unlike general race DNA.
These DNA are already developed which means the DNA has been built by that particular god/dess or the being. Here is the example if you injected with Lilith DNA you will gain Lilith's attitude, skills, abilities, traits, mindset is like you have a whole copy of everything Lilith has to put into you. Let's say Lilith attitude and mindset is equality, then you also treat everything equal. If Lilith can shapeshift to dragon, you also can shapeshift to dragon. Like said the DNA you get is full copy of the god/dess, no less no extra. There is also a risk of getting sick because this is a literal infusion; you will be taking foreign elements into yourself and this may temporarily lower your immune-system as it permeates. Side effects will differ from person to person, but generally your body will try to fight it like an infection. This whole process is completely altering your astral body and temporary side effects will manifest physically and then you will need time to recover and to adjust from the change
(spiritually, emotionally, physically). Most tend to tolerate the process better than others.
Once infused it will automatically begin to activate and I will let you know when the DNA will complete form, this will take time to finalize before your astral body will be able to shape shift into the god/dess you choose and have all his/her attitude, mindset, abilities, skills and traits.
Note:Please don't ask me information about the god/dess you want as you should be the one should find out what you want, not what I want. Please, refer to this video for deeper understanding https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t32GkKswG1E. Remember I always said spiritual path is solo journey, the god/dess and beings will not answer the same thing to everyone.
FAQ:Can I request other than god/dess DNA. Like my companions, other beings or named archangel or demon lord?
Can you teach me how to use the god/dess or the being ability?
No, please scroll up refer to the Note.
Once I have the god/dess or the being abilities, what should I be mindful of?
Use with respect, not use as you please. Do not use for the sake of doing good cause its naive. The world is more than just good and evil or right and wrong.
Demon/devil lord are bad and evil, I prefer to choose good, kind, loving god DNA infusion.
Then this listing is not for you and do not waste your time and money here. Like I said from previous answer, NAIVE. When you getting into spiritual path there's a lot old mentality have to let go and replace them. Seriously, you cannot rely and trust any info available in physical world this include the internet, ancient text, tradition or even spoken by reputable master (INCLUDING ME!!). Like the video link I post on the Note, go meet the real deal god/dess then you will get direct 100% info about the god/dess you met but also remember gods and beings can lie too (is a test, nothing is easy). Trust your own experience and use your own wisdom and knowledge to decide. I don't want to deal with happy too soon attitude or what you though is actually not what it is. Further more when a god/gess agrees to give you their DNA is serious business.
I change my mind, I don't want the god/dess DNA. Can I get refund or change something else in your shop?
No, as stated from previous answer SERIOUS BUSINESS.
In future can I request to remove the DNA I don't need?
Infuse god/dess DNA, so I'm immortal and cannot die or age or fall sick?
When life meets death and death meets life. If you want to live then you have to die, if you want to die then you have to live. If you want to be immortal than you have to be mortal, everything is a cycle. That's why fountain of youth is just a dream or fantasy.
Can I purchase or infuse more than 1 god/dess DNA?
Yes, as long as the god/dess agree to share their DNA with you you can purchase as many god/dess as you want. 1 god/dess for 1 time purchase only, example if you choose Zeus, then you only get 1 time Zeus infusion and there's no difference from injecting more than 1 time.
By the way taking DNA Injection, DNA Activation OR Awakening Transformation will not manifest appearance or give all the abilities/skills/traits to the race you choose. You must understand that this world is made for human, so you will forever look like human and without all supernatural power. The only thing allow to manifest is attitude and mindset. Some weaker skill do allow but I'm not going to list them due to nature rules. The only one allowed to complete change that is your spirit body not physical body.