I've got sunshine on a cloudy day
When it's cold outside I've got the month of May
Well I guess you'd say
What can make me feel this way?
My girl (my girl, my girl)
Talkin' 'bout my girl (my girl)
The sun ray affect all things. It can burn, create food, create life, dry, remove skin diseases OR it can cause skin cancer if you stay under the sun for a very long time. For us humans, natural vitamin D and YANG/positive energy from the sun are important. Some people like to be tan too, or some are afraid of getting darker skin, or becoming sun burnt. Many people now mostly stay indoors than going out because our ozone layer is very thin due to air pollution. This spell will help super boost Vitamin D absorption, YANG/positive energy absorption, and have a little resistance to UV light and heat. All you need to do is get under the sun light for only 2-5 minutes and you will have enough sun energy benefit. You don't need to worry about over absorption of Vitamin D and YANG/positive energy, just don't stay too long and get sun burnt!
Healthy skin comes from the sun because of Vitamin D, but skin cancer also comes from the sun if one stays too long. When you have high positive energy you will feel more refreshed, motivated, and more capable of repelling negative energy and negative beings, including negative people--who will not be able to affect you so easily. People with high YANG energy, they wont easily get triggered as they have a lot of positive energy (more positive attitude and a positive thinking process).
May you be blessed with positivity and a cheerful, bright happy day even when the weather is gloomy :)
I have asked the sun god and it say only direct cast to get maximum benefit. This magic have been used by many civilization but now most of them have forgotten; Egyptians, Tehuars, Anunakis, Pleidians, Ke-shu-kurs, Fros, Mayans, Greeks, Romes, Incas, Taoist, Hindu, Shinto, Irish, Scottish, Christians (they keep it as secret and only trust able priest will be able to access this magic).