Short Intro About Sekhmet:
Sekhmet The Lion Goddess; Goddess of Healing, Light, War, Punishment, Order, Domination, Strategist, Alchemy, Enchantment, Herbaslist, Surgery, Courage, Life, Curse, Leadership Feminine and Masculine. During her first appearance she was summoned by God Of the Sun (Ra), to earth as goddess of war to punishment the human due to their ego, mistake and rebel against Egyptian ruler. Her appearance is a large female human body but with a head of lioness. After taken care of the human rebels she teach the lost and misguided human the right way to live and appreciate the ruler of the Egypt. She also teach about healing, surgery, herbalist and alchemy. Some info on internet where it mention Sekhmet is Bastet well no, Sekhmet is her elder sister. Goddess of Masculine?? Why not? On very rare occasion she appear as male lion in dream.
These listing are Sekhmet magic as it is categories in Sekhmet Series.
Sekhmet: It is very rare if you know or heard of such magic and majority people think light/white magic do not have curse. Well there is and such curse do exist created with light magic. Once cast this magic on a person that person cannot do any harm to anything, YES, no harm to anything and if they do they will taste the pain and suffering that they inflict on others. This also mean the cursed person will not allow to fight back, except defend all the time until the magic expire. Send me the name, picture or nickname of the person you want me to cast on. Magic will last for 30 days.
Which type of person deserve to be curse by this magic? People who likes and frequent hurt other intentionally or unintentionally. Why unintentional deserve this curse? Here is an example, a drunk driver who run down kill another person and then he told the judge it was an accident. You think the judge will let the driver go freely without any punishment? All action have consequences. This spell can be abuse for harming someone and they cannot fight back and end up getting beaten. So if you're a pacifist who doesn't like to fight this spell is useful for your enemy to force them become pacifist for 30 days.